Google I/O
June 24th, 2014
Custom elements allow you to create your own encapsulated components on the web, however there are a number of questions that arise from this. How do you build elements that are accessible to everyone? Can they be navigated with a keyboard? How well do they work with screenreaders and ARIA? Learn how to create accessible elements that all your users can benefit from.
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Front Trends
May 9th, 2014
Web Components are a collection of standards which are working their way through the W3C. Discover how this new concept formed by Templates, Decorators, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, and HTML Imports will revolutionize the way we develop and interact on the web.
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Google I/O
June 24th, 2014
Web components are a game changer. Unlike other new features, the technologies are purely about developer productivity, solving many of web development's shortcomings. Polymer and web components change how we think about, design, and compose web applications. Learn how the Web Components revolution makes you more productive and reduces the cognitive load of being a web developer.
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June 28th, 2014
Web Components are ushering in a HTML renaissance, encouraging us to think about how we can bring back the declarative simplicity of HTML to the components we write today.
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Google I/O
June 24th, 2014
A huge opportunity is brewing. One where web development becomes a powerfully rich ecosystem of discoverable, sharable, and reusable components. Polymer is the first library of its kind to fully embrace this brave new web platform.
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Google I/O
June 24th, 2014
Entering the multi-screen era means rethinking how we build our applications. Producing a few PSDs doesn't cut it anymore, we have to start seeing the things we design as components within larger systems. Join us to learn how to use Polymer to revolutionize your design process. With these new tools we can create the UIs of the future, and shorten the time between concept and reality.
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