Chrome Dev Summit
December 4th, 2013
Polymer is a new type of library for the evolving modern web platform that leverages the many technlogies behind web components. It provides an extra layer of opinionated API sugaring for building smarter apps, faster.
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July 23rd, 2013
Welcome back to the "Declarative Renaissance"!
Web Components are going to fundamentally change the way we think, build, and consume web applications for desktop and mobile. ShadowDOM, Mutation Observers, custom elements, MDV, Object.observe(), CSS. How do all these new constructs fit together? What can be used today?
This session will prepare you for the future of the web platform.
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Google I/O
June 27th, 2012
From embeds to widgets to managing complex applications, you constantly face the need for better componentization as a web developer. Many-a-lines of JavaScript have been written to alleviate this problem -- poorly. But help is on the way.
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Google I/O
May 18th, 2013
Web Components are here to fundamentally change the way we think, build, and consume our web apps. This session will prepare you for the future of the web platform by discussing the lower level technologies that form the basis of Web Components (Shadow DOM, custom elements, MDV, new CSS primitives). Many of these tools have already landed in a modern browser near you!
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