Polytechnic Seattle
November 15th, 2014
Getting the most out of web components requires a change in mindset. Component Kitchen founder Jan Miksovsky presents a set of principles for creating components that can quickly be remixed and adapted in a variety of applications. This is a more advanced talk that assumes basic familiarity with web components and Google’s Polymer framework.
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October 22nd, 2014
This presentation is just like the song: a friendly nudge to look ahead at the great things coming the Web’s way. Sure, we <3 AngularJS, and if you’re like us, you probably do too. But we are also very excited about the future: the future of Angular and the future of the web.
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jQuery Conference
September 12th, 2014
Let's party like it’s the late 1990's — When the Components spec was originally introduced and 2Pac was livin' in a gangsta's paradise. While the implementation of this paradigm is long overdue, at least it's been a sufficient amount of time for Microsoft to forget Google stole their idea.
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November 15th, 2014
The set of specs that comprise web components — including Shadow DOM, custom elements, and HTML imports — represent more than just another framework for front-end user interface development. They are fundamental changes in the common language of the web itself, perhaps more important changes to the language than anything since the introduction of CSS. Web components will quickly become a standard part of every designer and developer’s world.
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jQuery Conference
September 13th, 2014
Building a multi-device app is extremely challenging, unless you're an expert developer. It's time for the web to get its own collection of fast, beautiful, and responsive by default components.
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May 30th, 2014
We've been talking a lot about Web Components as a community. Encapsulation, templating, custom elements, polyfills: it's an exciting time to be a developer! (<taco-button>
, anyone?) Before we create the next generation of soulless <div>
tags, we should consider the role of semantics in shiny, new technologies.