September 14th, 2014
At the Guardian, we have built Web Components that fetch deployment and monitoring stats and pipe the data into customisable graphs, so that you can assemble live dashboards in plain HTML without having to write any JavaScript. By relying on open APIs and the AWS JavaScript SDK, the custom elements can run off static pages in your browser and talk directly to your monitoring APIs (Graphite, AWS CloudWatch, etc.) without any intermediate server.
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November 24th, 2014
Philip Walton explains how, with Web Components, we finally have real style scoping and a proper abstraction mechanism. Now we can write truly modular CSS.
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Chrome Dev Summit
November 19th, 2014
Polymer started as an experiment in pushing the web platform. In the two and a half years since, it helped ship a lot of standards, a developer preview of Polymer, and learned a lot and heard a lot of feedback from developers.
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Backbone Conf
December 15th, 2014
Web Components promise to change how we think about modularity on the web, and when combined with the structure and organization of Backbone.js we can create portable, dynamic, encapsulated UI modules that fit into any web application.
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Chrome Dev Summit
November 19th, 2014
Dimitri explores the set of enabling technologies that make up Web Components, and describes how these pieces make it easy and fast to build composable components, and make HTML finally earn its keep.
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Chrome Dev Summit
November 19th, 2014
This talk will cover what it takes to build a single page app in Polymer. Rob will demonstrate how to quickly scaffold the structure of an application by leveraging Material Design elements, explore best practices around lazy loading elements to keep our app speedy, and also touch upon the tools we can use to debug and test our app.
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