Web Components Best Practices

Web Components Best Practices

Web Components (WC) are a new set of web platform features that enable developers to build applications in a declarative, composable way. The following is an initial list of best practices we advocate component authors consider to ensure their elements are good citizens in the Web Component ecosystem.

Keep in mind that we fully expect best practices to evolve over time and so this initial list should be considered a starting point for a living document that hopes to capture practices with a degree of consensus.

  1. Namespacing: Custom elements should have a dash in their name (e.g <x-tabs>, <my-tabs>). The text before the dash is effectively a namespace. You want to keep it short but also unique. Try not to overlap on someone else's prefix if possible. Only use a prefix shorter than three characters if you already have lots of developer interest in your set of components.
  2. Mimic built-in elements as closely as possible: Your component should feel just like any other natively implemented element to developers. If in the future you're formally speccing your element's API, will you feel embarrassed by how different it feels?
  3. Failing silently is golden: Components should act like native DOM elements, so avoid creating elements that throw JS errors from ordinary DOM interactions, for example: you can place a <div> inside a <ul>, and while it may not behave or render normally, it shouldn't throw errors either.
  4. Attributes for data in Use attributes to pass configuration in. Use boolean attributes for boolean values. Ex: <my-element selected> instead of <my-element selected="true">.
  5. Events for data out: Use custom events to pass information out of components unless the information to pass is large or changes extremely often.
  6. Include Dependencies: Include all dependencies your component needs. Don't worry if that means including redundant <link rel="import" ...>; as long as you set appropriate cache headers, these will only be fetched and loaded once. Using HTTP 2.0 can reduce the cost of having multiple files, or you can concatenate and minify them into a single file when you deploy your app.
  7. Document your component: Document your component so that others know how to use it. Components have many aspects that count as part of their API, including things that you might not think of as part of the API.
    • Attributes can be described concisely with example markup.
    • If one component is designed to be nested inside another one, show it being used in that context.
    • List its JavaScript methods and properties.
    • List its events.
    • When using Shadow DOM, the <content> element and select attribute allow you to select which nodes to put where. If your component treats different elements specially in these selectors, document it!
    • If your component relates to a microdata format, document how to apply that microdata to your component.
  8. Don't put too much in Shadow DOM: Shadow DOM allows you to stuff a bunch of complex junk out of sight. However, that's not an excuse to have as many DOM elements as you want in your shadow, as more elements will still lead to worse performance. In addition, try to keep your configuration and state visible by keeping anything semantic exposed in the logical DOM. Cruft goes in the Shadow; semantic stuff doesn't.
  9. Don't create more custom elements than you need: If you have two similar custom elements and the only difference between them is a different visual structure/display of the same data, consider consolidating them into one element and create two different templates to switch between. Alternatively, elements can be extended rather than duplicating similar functionality in two separate elements.
  10. Harmonize your declarative and imperative APIs: Attributes form (part of) your declarative API; your prototype defines your imperative API. Try to keep the analogous parts linked whenever possible so a user can modify either with the same effect.
  11. Don't presume the context you'll operate in: If your component is successful, it will be used in contexts you never expected, and mixed in with components you've never heard of. Strive to be as encapsulated and flexible--don't rely on any external frameworks or structure wherever possible.

As always, don't forget...

A successful web component will be used by many people in many different contexts--meaning that following general web development best practices becomes even more important.

  1. Accessibility: Make your component accessible by using appropriate ARIA roles—something that is much more important when we're creating new types of elements! In cases where inheritance from a semantic base element is for any reason impossible or infeasible, be sure to add a role="" attribute, if any apply.
  2. Performance: If you use a callback-based API for long-running operations, don't block the main thread excessively. Debounce methods and logic loops that affect rendering performance using requestAnimationFrame as a queue. Respond to being removed from the tree by suspending expensive operations like animation—and don't start expensive operations until you're actually inserted into the DOM.
  3. Script isn't always the answer: Many structure and style techniques that once required JavaScript can now be accomplished with pure CSS in the world of web components.
  4. Be Responsive: Where possible, and applicable, design your components so that they responsively adapt to their environment. Your users may use your component for things you never dreamed of.
  5. Testing: Custom elements, like components you author today, should ideally have unit tests that serve as a sanity check for your API.


This list of best practices will evolve over time and we welcome the community to discuss and suggest changes to them via the comments below.
